Time Required: A Long Weekend (Three days)
Difficulty: Moderate to Expert

Have you ever dreamed of a shower with a view of the lake and an open roof to see the stars? Then here it is! The ultimate destination shower where you can both relax and wash off a hard day’s work.


Project Steps

Step 6

Once we had our platform and vertical uprights in place, we lag-bolted in our top cross-pieces: two horizontal 2-by-8’s — one on either side — that join together each of the vertical uprights.

Next, it was time to frame the walls. For the bottom half of the walls, we opted to mount cedar shingles onto a plywood base to help water trickle down to the platform and prevent any water from penetrating and rotting the wood. For the top half, we cut up cordwood logs and stacked them creating a rustic yet modern aesthetic.


The Ultimate Projects Guide

The individuals featured in this website are not professional builders and the build of the projects featured in this website are intended to be for your entertainment only. Nothing in this website should be construed as construction/building advice. Check your local building/safety codes and consult with a professional before starting any building project.